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02 August 2022

UFE’s reply to the public consultation of the European Commission on the sectoral Data Act related to in-vehicle generated data

UFE supports this initiative launched by the Commission given the specificities of the field of electromobility. This proposal of legislation is particularly essential to ensure an implementation of the dispositions related to smart charging and bidirectional charging as provided by RED II, the AFI Regulation and EPBD which aim to better integrate electric vehicles into the grid power system.

The French Electricity Industry recommends the following:

  • In order to ensure a non-discriminatory access to in-vehicle generated data, the regulation must guarantee a transparent system of compensation at minimal cost for third-party actors. This disposition is essential to ensure an attractive pricing of electromobility services to electric vehicle users.
  • UFE recommends the publication of a catalogue of in-vehicle generated data necessary to provide electromobility services.
  • The French Electricity Industry suggests the implementation of an on-board application platform within electric vehicles. This model would assure an equal access to data for the electromobility service providers and the manufacturers of domestic and industrial batteries, and by extension car manufacturers.

Reply to the public consultation of the European Commission on the sectoral Data Act related to in-vehicle generated data

pdf (1.01 MB)

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The Union of the French Electricity Industry is the trade association of the French electricity sector. We bring together companies from the whole value chain of the electricity industry.

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10 Dec

Our 2024 conference

2024 annual conference of the Union of the French Electricity Industry

The next edition of the UFE conference will be hold on 10th December 2024, in Paris.


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