08 February 2021
UFE’s reply to the European Commission’s “EU classification system for green investments”
In December, UFE replied to the consultation on the first draft delegated act relating to the EU Taxonomy. UFE welcomes the Commission’s decision not to follow all the recommendations set in the TEG report, but underlines that the current text still includes several provisions which raise concern. UFE asks for the delegated act to comply with the technology neutrality principle and with existing legislation, especially when it comes to RES definition. UFE also calls for clarification on electricity transmission and distribution, and recalls market participants’ right to an objective, transparent and non-discriminatory access to the networks. Eventually, UFE regrets that the ongoing work of the Joint Research Centre on nuclear are not included in the delegated act.
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The Union of the French Electricity Industry is the trade association of the French electricity sector. We bring together companies from the whole value chain of the electricity industry.
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