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22 July 2022

UFE’s reply to the public consultation on the revision of the F-gas Regulation

UFE supports the F-gases Regulation as a key piece of legislation to cut down emissions from F-gases with a very high global warming potential. UFE recommends clarifying the placing on the market prohibition for electrical switchgears, especially regarding the scope of the prohibition, the assessment of alternative solutions and the exception framework. UFE also warns against the tight deadlines set out for heat pumps equipments using HFC, which can jeopardise the achievement of the Renewable Wave and REPowerEU objectives.

UFE’s reply to the public consultation on the revision of the F-gas Regulation

pdf (571.44 KB)

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The Union of the French Electricity Industry is the trade association of the French electricity sector. We bring together companies from the whole value chain of the electricity industry.

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Events of the sector

Jun 2022

Power Summit 2022

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Annual conference

10 Dec

Our 2024 conference

2024 annual conference of the Union of the French Electricity Industry

The next edition of the UFE conference will be hold on 10th December 2024, in Paris.


Events of the sector