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01 March 2013

UFE response to the European Commission consultation on structural options to strengthen the EU emissions trading system

UFE believes that the European allowances market is an effective tool to promote greenhouse gases emissions reductions from industrial sectors, and to facilitate the transition towards a low carbon economy at the lowest cost.

The ETS also determines a single carbon price signal at the European level, which is of fundamental importance. The electricity industry, however, considers essential the predictability of emissions reductions targets over the long term. As a matter of fact, the CO2 price as determined by the ETS is currently low. Market operators are not receiving the price signals they need in order to plan their investments in low carbon technologies.

UFE response to the European Commission consultation on structural options to strengthen the EU emissions trading system

pdf (206.53 KB)

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The Union of the French Electricity Industry is the trade association of the French electricity sector. We bring together companies from the whole value chain of the electricity industry.

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Power Summit 2022

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10 Dec

Our 2024 conference

2024 annual conference of the Union of the French Electricity Industry

The next edition of the UFE conference will be hold on 10th December 2024, in Paris.


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