15 May 2013
Technologies subject to feed in tariffs analysis of the support scheme
The objective of this memorandum is to assess the support scheme currently afforded in France to certain technologies (renewable energies, combined heat and power, etc.) in the light of the change in the energy mix in connection with the energy transition.
This assessment concerns the support scheme and does not address the issue of financing.
This memorandum also looks into other support systems adopted in Europe in order to learn from the feedback of other Member States and understand the challenges which they face.
Finally, it establishes several targeted criteria which should be met by any support scheme in order to ensure achievement of the targets set by the government and the transition, in the long term, to an effective market integration of supported technologies.
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The Union of the French Electricity Industry is the trade association of the French electricity sector. We bring together companies from the whole value chain of the electricity industry.
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