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23 March 2023

Parliament and Council must not delay further the European renewable hydrogen industry

Dear Energy Ministers,
Dear Members of the European Parliament,

On 13 February, the European Commission adopted its long-awaited Delegated Act (DA) setting the rules to produce Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin (RFNBOs). While not perfect, the text finally brings the required regulatory certainty to unlock investments and kick-start the renewable hydrogen market in Europe. It comes at a critical time as other regions in the world adopt strong financial support mechanisms and legislation to create their own renewable hydrogen economies.

We now have a decisive opportunity to accelerate Europe’s re-industrialisation and efforts to fight climate change. Co-signatories of this letter are committed to achieving Europe’s ambitions, but this will not happen without a clear regulatory framework.

The European industry stands united in its call: Members of the European Parliament and Member States must support the entry into force of the Delegated Act on additionality.

This DA now provides clarity on the supply side, which is critically important to unlock the demandside and deliver RFNBO targets currently in trilogue negotiations on the Renewable Energy Directive (RED). The industry wants to take final investment decisions under legal certainty now, not only renewable hydrogen developers, but the entire value chain from electrolyser manufacturers to offtake sectors. They face substantial investment costs to shift to climate-friendly technologies. These investments will only be possible with a stable regulatory framework that provides clear rules across countries.

Europe has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to lead the world in one of the key clean technologies of the 21st century. We cannot waste it.

We thank you for your consideration and stand ready to elaborate further on this key question.

Yours sincerely,

Parliament and Council must not delay further the European renewable hydrogen industry

pdf (697.48 KB)

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