07 May 2020
European Commission’s Consultation: Inception Impact Assessment on the revision of the Directive on the deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure (AFID)
The AFID revision is essential to ensure the roll-out of recharging infrastructure through an EU-wide and coherent approach and adapt it to the market development of electric vehicles.
In its response, UFE recommends extending the AFID scope to all infrastructures accessible to the public and introducing smart charging for tertiary and residential areas. UFE calls for the revision of the ‘alternative fuels’ definition to consider the vehicle type and the disparities of Member States’ needs and uses of infrastructure. Finally, UFE believes national binding targets per vehicle types for the deployment of charging infrastructures should be set within the new AFID.
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The Union of the French Electricity Industry is the trade association of the French electricity sector. We bring together companies from the whole value chain of the electricity industry.
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