25 May 2016
Consultation of the European Commission on a framework for energy and climate policies for 2030
The French union of Electricity very much welcomes the initiative of the European Commission, to launch a public consultation on a 2030 framework for climate and energy policies.
The UFE underlines the importance of such an approach, at a time when the energy sector is facing a very hard and challenging situation, threatening the competitiveness of its utilities, and on the long term, the security of electricity supply of the European Union.
Therefore, in the opinion of the UFE, a new framework for 2030 should be the opportunity to consolidate, and re-balance the European energy and climate policies, by putting at the core of the economy decarbonation scheme, two major issues: on one hand, ensure the security of electricity supply, and on the other hand, realize the necessary investments, within sustainable economic conditions, which cannot be achieved by the electricity sector today.
To meet those challenges, and design a consistent and effective 2030 framework for European energy and climate policies, the UFE has set 22 Key priorities (…)
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The Union of the French Electricity Industry is the trade association of the French electricity sector. We bring together companies from the whole value chain of the electricity industry.
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