18 July 2018
UFE’s Annual Conference: France who wins!

This November 29th, UFE will organise its big annual conference. As last year, it will be under the High-Patronage of Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic. The day will be entirely dedicated to the theme of cooperation as a lever for value creation and accelerator of innovations. Regions, individual or industrial consumers; all these actors have taken part in a larger dynamic of broad information sharing, decompartmentalization of approaches and solutions, therefore contributing to implementing concretely a higher energy and environmental efficiency at a lower cost. Already today, and even more tomorrow, the world becomes more horizontal. Whatever sector of activity we represent, we are all concerned by these new expectations.
Early bid tickets are available as of today!
* credit photo : twitter
Find out more
02 June 2020
“Long live Europe”: it’s time for Europe!
25 February 2020
Brexit: love last 47 years

About us
The Union of the French Electricity Industry is the trade association of the French electricity sector. We bring together companies from the whole value chain of the electricity industry.
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