06 March 2013
Position on generation adequacy, capacity mechanisms and the internal market in electricity
The February 2011 European Council declared the need to complete the EU internal energy market by 2014. Therefore, the integration of the electricity and gas markets remains a top priority on the EU agenda. Following its communication “Making the internal energy market work” of 15 November 2012 [COM(2012) 663 final], the European Commission carried out an open consultation aimed at assessing how best to enhance generation adequacy and promote energy market integration at EU level. The UFE submitted its own response on 7 February 2013 and is looking forward to receiving the European Commission’s feedback on the stakeholders’ contributions. Our Association expects this exercise to provide further elements to adopt measures enhancing security of supply, one of the three key objectives of EU energy policy (…)
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The Union of the French Electricity Industry is the trade association of the French electricity sector. We bring together companies from the whole value chain of the electricity industry.
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