About us
Vision and Missions
The Union of the French Electricity Industry is the trade association of the French electricity sector. We represent companies from the whole value chain of the electricity industry: producers, transmission and distribution system operators, suppliers of electricity and energy efficiency services.
We bring together more than 500 companies, gathering more than 300 000 direct and indirect jobs. UFE is a French and European actor of major importance, committed to the fight against climate change. We are committed to accelerating the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy. We also represent employers of the electricity sector in the branch of gas and electricity industries.
UFE is a member of Eurelectric, the sector association which represents the electricity industry at pan-European level, the Platform for Electromobility, the Market Parties Platform, the MEDEF, and France Industrie (the professional organisation representing the French industry).
Energy efficiency and electromobility are key issues for UFE. We are involved in various actions at national level, including initiatives promoting electromobility, such as France Mobilités and Je-roule-en-électrique.fr

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